Are you looking to master the classic game of snooker pool? You have come to the right place!
Here we’ll teach you the basics and beyond of snooker pool, from cues and balls to mental game play. Start now on your journey to playing like a pro!
How to Play Snooker Pool
Snooker pool is a two-player competitive cue sport game in which the goal is to hit balls into pockets according to the rules of the game. The game starts with 15 red balls and 6 colored balls, and each player takes turns to shoot a cue ball to pocket a ball and then reset it after hitting it into a pocket. The first player who legally pockets all the balls in-turn of either color, wins the game. It is one of the most complicated pocket billiard games because of its varied rules, but can be played by beginners as well as experts alike.
Snooker pool involves strategy and good judgment for successful play. It requires good hand-eye coordination and concentration, as well as familiarity with angles, strength and direction of shots, positioning on the table with respect to other players, distance between cue ball and object ball etcetera. In this guide we cover all aspects of snooker pool such as equipment required, setting up snooker table layout before starting a game, basic rules which needs to be followed while playing an actual game, scoring system used for tracking points etcetera. After reading through this guide you will gain sufficient knowledge about snooker pool that will allow you start your own snooker sessions for fun or even competition play!
Equipment Needed
Playing snooker pool isn’t as hard as it looks. All you need is the right equipment and a basic understanding of the game. The table, billiard balls, a snooker cue and some chalk are all essential components of the game.
Table – Snooker is played on a large table with 6 pockets located at each corner plus two side pockets in the middle. Most tables are made from either wood or steel covered with green cloth, though different varieties can be found depending on region or level of play.
Balls – According to rules there should always be 22 billiard balls used while playing snooker. These include 15 red balls (numbered 1-15) six color balls (yellow, green, brown, blue, pink and black) and one white ball called a “cue ball”. It’s important to remember that some games may vary in terms of which ball has to be put into which pocket at what time.
Snooker Cue – A professional standard snooker cue used by players should have a length between 57 and 61 inches long depending on height and body build of player holding it against his/her shoulder (in case where no mechanical bridge is employed). The cue is usually made from quality hardwood with a well-shaped butt very comfortable to the touch which allows for perfect grip amd control when playing shots accurately during serious tournament play.
Chalk – Chalk is necessary for getting more spin on the cueball when playing certain shots , specifically for performing exquisite Baulkline play techniques! This powdery substance is applied to the tip end before even attempting to hit any object ball otherwise failing to do so could result in an automatic foul according to tournament referees watching every move you make!
Rules of the Game
Snooker is a cue sport played on a large, rectangular cloth covered table. The game involves the use of a cue stick to hit colored and numbered balls around the table in attempt to pot them in pockets at each corner of the table. Points are scored for each pot made and depending on the type of ball potted.
Once all of the red balls have been cleared from the table, players then attempt to clear all color balls (yellow, green, brown, blue, pink and black) by nominating which one they will try to pocket first. Whenever players do not nominate a color or nominate incorrectly after potting a red ball, penalty points are awarded to their opponents.
Once all balls have been cleared from the table, the player receiving points is declared as the winner. The traditional scoring system is used with each potted ball granting certain numbers of point values according to its color-type.
- Red: 1 point
- Yellow: 2 points
- Green: 3 points
- Brown: 4 points
- Blue: 5 points
- Pink: 6 points
- Black: 7 Points
The rules for snooker are strict and must be followed exactly by both players in order for game play to remain fair and enjoyable for all participants. To familiarize yourself with he standard rules of snooker before playing your first game reading through relevant resources or books explaining these general guidelines can be helpful in setting expectations with respect to snooker etiquette and technicalities regarding fouls dedicated during competition as well as other details specific to professional play that you may also like to learn about eventually if you decide take your skills into competition level tournaments or activities outside informal settings such as clubhouses or pubs.
In snooker pool, the goal of the game is to pocket all of your opponent’s balls before you pocket your own. Although it can be a very enjoyable game to play, snooker pool requires skill and strategy in order to be successful. To improve your snooker pool skills, it is important to understand some of the general strategies that will help you win more games.
One of the most important strategies in playing a game of snooker pool is to avoid leaving your opponent an easy shot at any time during the game. Try not to leave them with any obvious shots or give them too many choices when you are shooting. Even if you feel confident that you can hit a difficult shot, consider taking a less risky route if possible as it may save you from having your turn ended prematurely.
Another critical strategy for success in snooker pool is mastering how to use the available shots on each table strategically. This means learning how to utilize the cushions and other features offered by each table in order to set up more difficult shots for your opponent or yourself depending on whose turn it is currently. Additionally, strategic shot selection such as bank shots and angle shots can be used to great advantage when playing against a skilled player as these may afford better positional opportunities for pocketing balls than attempting straight-in shots every time.
Lastly, it is essential in any game of snooker pool – or any type of billiards for that matter – that players practice their technique regularly and hone their skills continually in order become better players overall and thus increase their chances of winning each match they take part in. It is only through skillful application on behalf of players combined with careful strategy that success can truly be achieved within this rewarding sport!
Scoring in Snooker Pool
Though the rules of snooker and pool are slightly different, both games use the same basic scoring system. In either game, each successful shot is worth a certain number of points. At every turn, a player must shoot one ball toward the target (or pocket), following the rules of that game. The point score is then added to their total until a player reaches the goal score applicable to their game.

In a game of snooker or pool, players score points when they shoot balls into the pockets (holes). If shooting the cue ball first, then shooting another eligible ball into its designated pocket, that counts as one point. If a player sinks multiple balls in succession without missing any shots or breaking any rules of either game, they are rewarded with additional points for each ball sunk. Additionally, if a player sinks all fifteen balls on their turn—including sinking eight balls consecutively—they’ll earn themselves fifty points for ‘snookered’.
Though there are several variations on how to play both snooker and pool games, understanding how scoring works will help you get ahead in either one!
Playing snooker pool can be a great way to have fun with family and friends. Despite the initial difficulty of getting used to the game, it’s ultimately rewarding and enjoyable. Even if you don’t become an expert marksman straight away, taking the time to learn basic techniques will pay off over time. Be sure to stay patient and practice as often as you can for best results! With the right attitude and hard work, there’s no limit to what skills you can gain with snooker pool.